Malem Ini Gua lagi iseng ngoding, nggak ada kerjaan iseng iseng baca internet eh malah nemu trick pembuatan Bomb hehehehe, ini gua kasih tahu cuma buat knowledge yaahh jangan diselewengkan:
ZINC EXPLOSIVE(bom flashbang)
To make a big flash of flames almost instantly try mixing:
1 part Zinc dust
1 part Sulfur
When these two mix together they will burst into flame almost instantly!, Be careful for it does go off in a sudden flash and can singe anything that, it is around if not expecting it. This is not a powerful explosive but it, is violent even when not confined, so be careful.
The following reaction should produce a fair amount of smoke. Since, this reaction is not all that dangerous you can use larger amounts if necessary for larger amounts of smoke.
6g zinc powder
1g sulfur powder
Insert a red hot wire into the pile, step back. A lot of smoke should be created.
GENERIC BOMB (1/2granat)
Aquire a glass container. Put in a few drops of gasoline. Cap the top and turn the container around to coat the inner surface. Add a few drops of potassium permanganate (found in a snake-bite kit). To detonate just
throw against a hard object. I hear this is the same as a half stick of dynamite!
Stinky Bomb(Bomb Bau)
If you want more life in your party (or break it up), you have to try this.
Aerosol can of whipcream Plastic bags, styrofoam... Magnesium ribbon 5ml gas Matches
Part 1
Buy a can of whipcream (the kind in the aerosol can) and leave it under your bed for a week for it to spoil. Press the nozzle for 5 seconds, it can avacuate a whole room from the stench (think what 10 seconds can do)!
Part 2
Take 5ml of gas, and add to it plastic (like bads, styrofoam, etc) until it won't dissolve anymore or so thick it won't run. Take the cap off the can and wrap the nozzle 2 times with magnesium ribbon. Leave 1 foot for the fuse and take the plastic gas and form it around the nozzle and light the fuse and the cheese!).
PERHATIAN yAH Ini Cuma Buat Pengetahuan doang, kalo
ada apa apa gua nggak mau nanngung oke....
so keepp peace aja deh