akhirnya nonton the simpson di cibubur abisnya di bogor lom ada, tapi emang the simpson gokil abizzzz top deh
mau soundtracknyahhh:
1. The Simpsons Theme (Orchestral Version) 1:27
2. Trapped Like Carrots 2:14
3. Doomsday Is Family Time 2:27
4. Release The Hounds 2:19
5. Clap For Alaska 1:55
6. What’s An Epiphany? 2:07
7. Thank You Boob Lady 2:45
8. You Doomed Us All… Again 5:52
9. …Lead, Not To Read 2:05
10.Why Does Everything I Whip Leave Me? 3:05
11.Bart’s Doodle 1:01
12.Worlds Fattest Fertilizer Salesman 5:05
13.His Big Fat Butt Could Shield Us All 1:46
14.Spider Pig 1:04
15.Recklessly Impulsive 5:27
pass: www.albumaz.com